Latching On
Latch-on is the way a baby attaches to the breast. A good latch is really important because it helps avoid nipple soreness, ensures the baby is transferring enough milk and helps you make more milk.
Here are some tips to help you and your baby get a good latch:
- Find a comfortable position with lots of support.
- Make sure your baby is turned towards you, tummy to tummy.
- Have your baby's ear, shoulder and hip in alignment.
- Line up your baby's nose with your nipple. Baby's head can then tilt back, letting his mouth reach up and over your nipple. A wide open mouth helps your baby get more of the areola (the dark skin around your nipple) in his mouth.
- Make sure your baby's chin is touching the breast.
- Upper and lower lip should be curled out wide.
- Swallowing should be seen or heard.
You can tell your baby is latched-on well and receiving milk when:
- The upper and lower lips are flanged out wide, not curled in.
- Cheeks are rounded.
- You can hear or see baby swallowing.
- Your do not have any pain while breastfeeding.
If you are in need of a Los Angeles Lactation Consultant contact Rebecca today!